Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Videodrome" (1983)

TV: the new flesh: long live the new -
(programmer pittsburghbound pits his head)
- flesh / blondie goes brownie, her lips
staticky red / fleshy cathode ray on its way
downward (into the orifice of the screen &)
til dawn breaks the glass with light, convex
goes concave the new flesh of her latenite flash:
droning head roam: from satellite lesion
& cancer gun (enters a pittsburgh confer-)
implodes the convex man who sells eye-
wear as alibi (hence when convex man implodes)
for B. O'Blivion, his life parceled out
(once he tastes that smoking c-gun) in video-
tape that parses the system its anatomies
(straight from the programmer's clitgut)
of its physiology the electric bodysong, image-
love- cum -contortion of channel fluids flexed
to ravish her in chains & snuff the retina
of the flashing screen (like the parted lips of
blondie Nicki Brand, turned brownie & all-telly)
that touches him, absorbs him, tumors him with
the new flesh: (turn off): long live the: TV after-
life (hallucinated cathode ray horizon) peaking
in pittsburgh the screensex of her telemouth:
his new addiction: saturated media lips -
(might as well shootup & suicide to the drone
of videodrome / might as well / suicide /
to the drone / of / vi / de / o / drome) -


Edgar Garcia said...

dude. i just saw videodrome last night. it got into my dreams

Edgar Garcia said...


Jose-Luis Moctezuma said...

yea man, we're quite parallel in our videodroming - this is the kind of latenite film that any amount of sleep won't be able to decipher the day next